Key Experiences That Shaped Me Into A Powerful & Loving Coach & Human
This post is a glimpse into key experiences of

The Difference Between Never & No
Ruta and Ti0 talk about the unconventional journey of their relationship and the difference between never

A Trusted Guide by your side: what it means and takes to become one
Having a Trusted Guide by your side can

The Gates of Greatness Are Now Open
From Good to Great to Excellent to Exceptional — and Beyond…
Why don’t you say

Letting go of Stability
The need for stability dissolves as you develop deep trust in your own power to keep creating life.

Greed: Good, Evil, or an Unreal Illusion of Perception?
Greed is a programmed perception that keeps the powerless disempowered. It is a

Emerging From The Cave: From Losing My Self To Becoming Infinite
In 2015 I went from working as a Software Developer at Amazon to train as a consciousness development facilitator with the sacred brew ayahuasca in

Becoming Ti0 | Ti0x #7
We explore the transition from Given Personality to Personality of Choice in the final episode of this

The System is Not Evil… It’s a Reflection of You and Us
Before I go into this topic, I want to share where I am coming from. I used to be a highly rebellious individual for the