Superconscious Coaching

Superconscious Coaching unifies the human with the divine to  activate the Full Spectrum You.

Become the master of Self & Spirit
where the heart meets the mind,
humanity meets divinity,
creative genius meets business…

It is the total embrace of every aspect of human life as a fully divine experience.

What is Superconsciousness?

The Conscious and The Unconscious are the domain of the mind.

The Superconscious is everything beyond, born in the union of logic and magic.

You enter the transcendental domain where  contradictions and paradoxes unify and cohere.

Connecting to this domain enables you to manifest higher dimensional strategy into every aspect of life including business, relationships, health, money, and spirituality.

How does it work?

Superconscious Coaching takes people from the logical mind to the magical mind.

The magical mind is not wishful thinking,
 it is wish-fulfilled living.

You activate everything you are and from this place you manifest the next epic phase of life.

You use your power and creativity while honoring your Self with a joyous, fulfilling life, accessing ways of being and doing which go beyond thinking, feeling, and imagination.

Tapping into the Superconscious, you let go of the limitations of thinking and doing from the logical mind alone. You go beyond the rules of your conscious and unconscious beliefs.

The magical mind transcends belief.

Superconscious Coaching activates you to create at levels beyond the mind, the easiest way to make the impossible possible.

The Middle Ground

While the magical mind holds the strategies and keys for manifesting our greatest desires, it doesn’t transcend the actions required on the material plane.

The difference?

Your actions are no longer based in linear strategies once used to build, market, and sell.
You are not building relationships out of neediness.

You are no longer acting out of
obligation, compulsion, or discipline.

Connecting with your soul’s code — the transcendental strategy for your life — you act purely from inspiration to live your passions fully.

You find your true center, your real Self, your full power and beauty, when you get fully stretched in all directions. We help you do this with Superconscious Coaching.