A perception-bending journey in consciousness
“The world beyond is this world, only perceived strangely”
~ Carl DuPrel
Or, maybe…
“This world is the world beyond, only perceived strangely”
~ P.D. Ouspensky
This booklet serves as an introduction to a series of upcoming booklets that may help you to transform your perception with regards to certain words and concepts that have unconsciously guided our lives in a certain direction.
Concepts and words such as Mistake, Failure, Money, Problem, Death – and just all “words” in general – have a very hypnotic hold over us. While these concepts are easy to understand, we question the basis of this understanding at a fundamental level. The moment we listen to words, we automatically and unconsciously associate a massive amount of content from our life in an attempt to understand what is being communicated.
This series is dedicated to provide alternative views about several concepts. If you choose, you may use these perspectives to transform your self and see how life and the world would look if we changed our perspective.
This introductory booklet will provide the context for the entire series. It is a prerequisite read, following which you will be able to read other books in the series in any order.
A paraphrased excerpt from Carlos Castaneda’s first book:
“Don Juan assured me that it is an energetic fact, that the possibility of journeying to any of those worlds, or to all of them, is the heritage of every human being. He said that those worlds were there for the asking, as questions are somtimes begging to be asked, and all that a human being needed to reach them was to intend the movement of the assemblage point.”
~ Castaneda commentary on 30th anniversary of publishing Teachings of Don Juan.
Book Details
Pages (print edition): 24
Self-published on Amazon Kindle and Paperback.
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