A World Beyond Mistakes is an invitation to a perception-bending journey about a seemingly trivial yet pervasive life altering concept: Mistake.
What does life look like when you go beyond perceiving events and actions as mistakes…
In this short yet substantial booklet, we will examine the concept known as “Mistake”, and see how it ties us into the web of reality as we know it. We propose alternate ways of perceiving the same concept but with life-altering consequences should you choose to embrace this view.
These alternate ways are keys that you can use to transform your perception. A mistake is rooted in the system of judgment – a system of “right and wrong”. By making a choice to see things differently, we can uproot and unwind ourselves from the world where mistakes can have devastating consequences to our sense of self.
By making this choice we can travel to a world beyond mistakes — a world where you and others live with the understanding that we can never know the real purpose of an event just by examining it from the perspective of right and wrong.
When we take this journey to a world beyond mistakes, we open ourselves to the idea:
Mistakes are gateways to other realities…
that might just be more beautiful..
Book details
Pages (print edition): 50
Self-published on Amazon Kindle and Paperback.
Prerequisite introductory booklet: A World Beyond
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Physical paperback copies available on Amazon.
Also available to buy on Kindle or read free with Kindle Unlimited.
A concise unpacking of a fundamental human flaw.
For a brief read, the author uncovered a very large, clean description of the "mistake" we make before we decide we've even made a mistake.
This perspective makes ALL the difference in how we view ourselves over the course of our life... a small oversight with huge life-ruining implications, that could actually have been avoided by simply being aware of the mindset written within these pages.
If you are struggling with Depression (or any other self-worth issues) and stumble on this book, give it a go... it's an easy read, but with a valid insight to offer you a life-altering lesson in perception.
This was my favorite quote from this booklet as it was very pertinent to my current situation.
'A World Beyond Mistakes' was a quick and insightful read. It helped me gain a fresh perspective on how subjective the concepts of 'right' and 'wrong' can be. It is a also a great starting place to learn how to embrace imperfection and the lessons that come with it. As someone who battles with crippling indecision and a perpetual feeling of being stuck, I valued this approach of redifining how we perceive mistakes.
I look forward to applying this approach in my everyday life and keep moving forward.
I would have liked to see a chapter on proceeding with caution as some of the messages about making mistakes could be misconstrued by individuals battling with addictions and self-destructive behaviors.
Overall, I would highly recommend this booklet to anyone who is venturing into a journey of self-discovery.

I’m going to keep making my silly mistakes because I’m moving and living to get to the real me .. imperfect and loving
Thank you